Tuesday, March 2, 2010

HEEP: Mock-Ups to Prototypes

For the last 2 weeks now, our group have been redesigning and making new mock ups of our applications for the HEEP website. After making numerous changes, we have some good news for everyone. We are now done with the mock-ups and are moving on to making prototypes. Here are some of the prototypes that we have been working on this week:

Appliance Savings Application: Instead of making it for one type of appliance, we've decided to show a table of different types of appliances and allow the user to choose a model of the appliance with a drop-down menu. By doing it this way, we can display all the appliance in one single application. We also added in the rebate amount into the savings category to make it more enticing for the users.

Rebate Negawatt Generation: This application looks almost exactly like its mock-up. It contains a pie chart that displays the Negawatt generation from each type of appliance rebate from HEEP. One functionality that we're still working on is the tooltip pop-up that displays information about "Negawatt".

Progress Towards HCEI Goals:This visualization displays Hawaii's progress towards achieving the goals set in the HCEI. It will display current data along with projected data that acts as objectives/markers for each year's progress. we have not found out how to separate the actual data from the projected data at this time. An option that we hope to use is the "fill" option in Google visualization to have a fill for actual data and no fill for projected data. We were unsuccessful in finding any information in the Visualization API or Google search. We are hoping that someone will reply to the post we've made on the discussion group.

There is still a lot of work ahead of us in order to make these and the other prototypes deliverable for milestone 2. I will definitely keep you updated with our progress.


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