Thursday, March 11, 2010

HEEP: Milestone 2

MileStone 2 is knocking at our doors and we are able to answer with 3 working gadgets. After showing our prototypes to profession Johnson, some small changes were made. All that is left is to "gadgetized" or package it into iGoogle gadgets. Luckily there is a developer tool in the Google Gadget API called Google Gadget Editor that allows user to quickly edit and host gadgets. We just had to paste our code into the "content" section and it'll package it into a gadget. So without further a due, here are our 3 deliverable gadgets.

Don't Waste Money
This Gadget displays the HEEP Rebate + Money Saved. It gives the consumer a birds eye view of how much they will earn by choosing an EnergyStar model. The savings is automatically displayed as the yearly and upfront rebate savings. This application provides users a means to view the estimated savings they will receive as a result of purchasing one of the listed top energy star related appliances. The application calculates the difference in yearly electrical consumption of the selected energy star model and an average value for similar non-energy star models. The consumption of the energy star models are determined by the manufacturer’s specifications. The amount of savings is calculated using the current kilowatt cost.

This Gadget displays displays the estimated amount of negawatts generated by HEEP rebates for the current year. A negawatt (negative watt ) is assumed to be one watt of power saved. Each appliance's generation and percentage is displayed in the pie chart, which allows users to see the estimated amount of negawatts generated by each of the rebate appliance categories. The amount of energy savings is also displayed as a monetary value. This estimated value is calculated using the current kilowatt cost and the estimated total amount of negawatts generated.

HCEI Goals
This Gadget displays our progress towards achieving the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative goals of reducing energy generation by 30% and having 40% of energy generation from renewable sources by the year 2030. The visualization shows the comparison of our total energy generation and energy generation by renewable sources to projected linear data towards achieving the HCEI goals by the year 2030. The dark-colored lines are actual data and the corresponding light-colored lines are the projected data. The overlapping of these lines shows the start of the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative and shows how our current energy generation is compared to the projected goals.

These gadgets can be found simply by searching for it on iGoogle or you can click on the direct links to each gadgets below:
Don't Waste Money
HCEI Goals

Our next step is to schedule a meeting with the HEEP folks to present these gadgets to them. We did not create 2 of the gadgets that they have specific because we are still unclear on how to present such data. Hopefully they will like what we have so far and we'll see if they still would want us to make the 2 gadgets that they specified. Wish us luck in our presentation.


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