Monday, November 23, 2009

Wicket + Wattdepot = Green web

This week, we were introduced to a java web application framework called Wicket. We were task to use wicket and our wattdepot project to create a web page that shows and classifies the carbon intensity for a given day(24 hours), similar to the Ecotricity UK Grid Live website. The goal of this task was to introduce us to the simple web application development using wicket, to further our experience with the use of Software ICU, and gain experience with using Google Issue system.

At first, Wicket seems really complicated considering that I wasn't that experienced with HTML and was a bit rusty in java. But after reading the first few chapters of Wicket in Action and doing some of the examples in the book, It started to look less complicated.

As we start this project, communication was a bit of a problem. I guess it was a bit hard to get 4 people together with different time availabilities. So most of our communicating was thru email, google chat, and AIM. Kelvin, one of our team member took charge and design the ground work of the project while everyone help to edit and improve it. We didnt really use the google issue system because with only 4 members, it was easier to just send email or instants messages to keep everyone updated but i think we should begin to use it so we can get use to it for larger projects with more members. For improvements, we could have a better communication methods and distribution of task. But we manage to accomplish all the given tasks.

To get a copy of the our greenometer, Just click on the link and select either the Zip file or Jar file to download. You can follow the User Guide to install the program and get it running.

Below is a screenshot of the Software ICU data for the last 7 days...


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