Wednesday, February 17, 2010

HEEP: Mocking up some changes

So last week, I've said I will keep you guys updated on my HEEP project. So we presented the ideas we've came up with to professor Johnson in our Thursdays meeting and the overall feedback was that it was good that we were thinking outside the box but some of the applications were a bit too complicated. Also as a developer, we should always give what the costumer ask for, such as the HEEP report card that we've replaced with the Appliance report card.

Since we were doing so much redesigning, professor Johnson advised us to make mockups of our applications rather than jumping straight into implementing it. It was a really good idea since looking at the mockups gave us a better idea of how some of the functionalities were seem be more confusing or bothersome than being useful.

So after another trip to the drawing board, These are some of the applications that we're came up with:

Negawatt Application: it displays the Negawatt generated by switching from a non-EnergyStar appliance to an energyStar. For those of you who dont know what a negawatt is, it's a term used to describe energy that was saved or not used by being energy efficient. So in our case, it was the energy from switching to an EnergyStar appliance. The pie chart will show the amount generated from each different types of appliance.

Top EnergyStar ModelsThis is a simple visualization that shows the top EnergyStar models with the energy usage difference and the amount of money saved compare to an average non-EnergyStar model. It also acts as a recommendation page for users to use when looking for a replacement.

Appliance Calculator:We simplify the calculator to make it require less user input. All that the user have to do now is select roughly how old their current fridge is and the style from the icons. Hit calculate and viola, they'll get a rough estimate of how much money their current model uses compare to new EnergyStar model. This makes the application easy enough for kids and grandmas to use.

Oil visualizations We made some slight changes to these visualization, In the energy consumption visualization, we added in the energy source of "conservation" which are negawatts or energy that we didnt use/need. These projected data goes hand and hand with the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative goals which states that 30% of the 70% clean energy will be energy that was saved. and for the Oil Consumption visualization, we changed it from a bar graph to a line graph.

We're still brainstorming on what to design for the HEEP report card and CDD applications. These applications are seriously giving us a hard time but it was requested by HEEP themselves so we have to come up with something to show them. Hopefully with more research, we'll think of something that is to their liking. Wish us luck.


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